Get ready for an electrifying gaming experience with "Beat Square"! In this game, you control a square character on a mission to defeat quirky ghost enemies. But here's the catch: every move and attack must be perfectly timed to the beat of an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack. Miss the beat, and your powers diminish. With each level pulsing to a different rhythm, you'll need to groove and strategize your way to victory. Can you keep up with the beat and outsmart the ghostly foes? Jump in, feel the rhythm, and let the beat guide your square to triumph!

Created for Game Off 2023 with the theme SCALE. 

SCALE used:

  • to climb up something steep, such as a wall, building, or mountain.
  • to change the size of something e.g. make something smaller (scale down) or increase the size, amount, or importance of something (scale up).

This is a game where you run to collect music fragments. When you act on the beat, you will be bonored an ability to change the body size, which helps you collect fragments more efficiently.

  • Explore the Beat! 

Dive into a unique gaming experience where running isn't just about speed; it's an adventure! In this game, you're not just hitting notes. You're on an exciting quest to collect music fragments, exploring a vibrant world filled with rhythm and melodies. Get ready to navigate through an ever-changing landscape where every beat guides your journey!

  • Strategize Your Rhythm! 

Say goodbye to just tapping and clicking! Here, your rhythm skills do more than just rack up points—they transform your character! Make strategic decisions on the fly: should you be big or small to grab those elusive music fragments? Each beat is a chance to change and adapt, making your musical journey a thrilling strategic endeavor.

  • Beat Mastery Unleashed! 

Accuracy meets action in a whole new way! Unlike typical rhythm games where you're just keeping the beat, here your precision does more—it shapes the game! Master the rhythm to manipulate your character's size, turning every perfect beat into a powerful tool for success. Get ready for a game where your sense of rhythm is your key to victory!


Leader / Programmer / Game Designer / Web Admin


Programmer / Sound Designer / Game Designer




Character Designer


Web Admin





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good job!

Neat concept! Harder than it looks. Cool aesthetic, good music. Nice job!

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